Sunday, June 19, 2011

(Mis)Adventures in Casting, Episode 1

Our sister blog, Loving Books (helmed by Camp Or Crap's own lovely Sarah), is participating in a read-along of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Sarah and I are big fans of both the BBC/A&E mini-series (as any Anglophile worth her tea should be) and the more recent adaptation starring Keira Knightley. However, these got us thinking...

"Could you imagine if Wes Anderson made that movie?"

"Haha! Or Scorcese!"

"Oh, s***, what about Judd Apatow?"


We present our casting choices for something that would either be the world's most horrendous version of Pride and Prejudice, or the funniest movie ever made. Or both.

Row 1: Mila Kunis, James Franco, Elizabeth Banks, Jason Segel, Paul Rudd
Row 2: Fred Willard, Jane Lynch, Seth Rogen, Leslie Mann, Betty White
Row 3: Emma Stone, Amanda Bynes, Michael Cera, Amanda Seyfried, Anna Faris

Hmm... you know, the more I look at this chart, the more I need to see this happen, if for no other reason than to satiate my own morbid curiosity.

1 comment:

  1. Hahah. Some of those think you nailed it, but Franco as Mr. Darcy? Le barf. And Mila Kunis.... I don't think they have the acting repartee to fill out those fast talking dialogue. But that's just me.

    I think you totally nailed Bingly, Wickham, and Mrs. Bennet... And effin Michael Cera?! as MARY holy sweet baby cheeses. lol!
