I don't think Sarah and I have ever been at such a loss. We watched this over a week ago and couldn't figure out what to say until yesterday. We still aren't sure what happened here.
(Here are our thoughts on the original seed, the ugly middle child no one wanted, and the drug-addled brother no one mentions at family gatherings.)
Directed By: Bill Condon (Kinsey, Dreamgirls)
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner
Plot Summary: "Oh, she thinks she threw up because of the chicken? Ha. No, Bella, it's not the chicken. You f***ing WISH it was the chicken."
Watch the trailer. That's all you need to know at this point.
Observations Made As We Watched:
--"Did she just say, 'Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies?'" / "She must not have read Bridge to Terabithia."
--"Come on, Edward, you can't hunt in a crowded theater during Nosferatu. That's just mean." / "Or brilliant."
--"Damn, this is a pretty wedding."
--"I don't think Jacob made it to the ceremony. We would've noticed the lone shirtless man standing in the back, flexing for no reason."
--"This is surreal, even for Twilight. Seriously, this feels crazy."
--"I don't understand how so many people are concerned for her life when she clearly isn't."
--"Wait, was that all?! I thought it was supposed to be on the verge of an R rating for that scene!"
--"Why don't they just have sex in the water if they're doing all this swimming? He won't hurt her like that, will he?"
--"Here's where Stephenie Meyer would like to discuss Planned Parenthood."
--"Why do the wolves talk like Thor?"
--"Bella looks like she's been doing some serious smack." / "Is there such a thing as non-serious smack?"
--"That was the worst thing that's ever happened in a Twilight movie."
--"Did Carlisle just buy a gynecology office to put in his house?"
--"Ha, they think 'Renesmee' is bad? Ask Albus Severus Potter about that one."
--"WHAT THE F***?!"
--"Seriously, Edward, is this faster than a knife?"
If you ever want to scare a girl into not getting pregnant, make her watch this movie. It contains the most traumatic pregnancy and birth scenes either of us have ever watched. It was sheer horror.
That being said, there are a lot of pro-life/pro-choice debates being thrown around here, and Stephenie Meyer sidesteps the two by making it Bella's choice to endure the potentially-fatal pregnancy. Bella and Rosalie want the baby delivered at all costs -- the main cost being Bella's life, which Bella has been trying to throw away since day one. She's going to hold on as long as she can, then try to be saved at the last minute by Edward turning her. Edward, Alice and Jacob want the demon-fetus aborted immediately, because it's quickly killing Bella from the inside out, and Edward won't love it -- let alone accept it -- if it takes her away from him. He has stated numerous times that she's his "reason for existing," after all.
Carlisle notifies Bella that the venom probably won't be enough in the eleventh hour, and Bella just shrugs it off and tells Edward he has to accept life without her. (EXCUSE ME?! We've sat through at least six hours of you two proclaiming how you can't live without each other! In fact, two movies ago, EDWARD TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF because he thought you were dead! Maybe it's because neither Sarah nor I are mothers, but seriously, what is that bulls***?!) We respect Bella not wanting to kill her baby/demon-fetus, but there's also an argument for Edward's perspective here, which is that Bella's life is more important. Anyway, the movie quite obviously brings up a lot of sticky issues, but at least both sides are somewhat represented here, as opposed to the Mormon Values party Meyer's been staging the entire time.
The Best Part: Charlie Swan (Billy Burke) has been wrestling with Bella's relationship with Edward from the start, and his struggle to let her go makes us so sad for him. Especially when Bella gets pregnant and gives birth in the span of a month without Charlie knowing. Bella makes up some story about going to a treatment facility in Switzerland because she's been struck with some mysterious illness, but really, what were they planning on telling Bella's family once she was turned? As Jacob says (and this is probably the best thing Jacob's ever said because of the matter-of-fact way he says it), "Maybe they'll say she got hit by a car. Fell off a cliff."
The Worst Part: There is a segment where the wolf pack, all in wolf form, argues telepathically over what to do about Bella's and Edward's spawn, which they can't allow to exist. The scene itself is inexplicable. Why are they all speaking to each other as wolves when they're in an utterly secluded area? Why was the voice-over work for this so hilariously horrendous, causing them all to sound like steroid-ridden monsters at the top of somebody's beanstalk? Wouldn't it have been cheaper on the studio to just have them meet up as humans? Who let this leave the editing room?
We give Breaking Dawn: Part 1 a D. It was either a great modern horror movie, or a wretched social commentary about feminism and the pro-choice argument, but we don't think either of those outcomes was the intention.
Jasmyn: "See, Deathly Hallows decides to be two movies, and we get 2.5 hours of epic quality each. This s*** just went bonkers for an hour and a half, and then it's gonna do it again."
PS: Check out our baby Facebook page and 'Like' Camp or Crap? if you haven't already! You can also 'Like' us from the "Camp or Crap? on Facebook" sidebar to the right of the blog.
(Poster and trailer © Summit Entertainment)
When I saw you guys were gonna break this series down, my initial thought was, "Don't do it! You're brain cells are finite in number: why waste them?" but now that I've read this, I feel like you guys have performed a valuable community service. Now when my nieces start blathering about this cra--er stuff, I can at least respond intelligently about why I think they'd be better off curled up with a used copy of Salem's Lot.
ReplyDeleteHaha, we're glad we could be of service, thanks for reading! And hey, we've been wasting brain cells to this project for a very long time :)
ReplyDeleteHello from across the pond,
ReplyDeleteI was intrigued to get the measure of how the latest Twilight Saga was doing. While i'd been to see Twilight 15 times (not so hard on the pocket when you've got a cinema pass!) this was due to Catherine Hardwicke's phenomenal direction, and...dare i say it?...B)LL%$KS, yes I will... i even found it superior to the book itself with it's sense of pacing and drama. Still, being a writer myself, I read the full saga, and in the most part, enjoyed it. Then became more and more disheartened at the...yup..crappy way in which the directors churned out each sequel, to the point where I vowed i wouldn't watch another chapter so as not to taint further my already receding memory of the books. My best friend is an actress and the worst kind of 'pollyana' you're ever likely to meet(I'm working on it believe me!)so, dutifully she went to see Breaking Dawn. Her texted message to me while still in the theatre made me realise I'd done the right thing. Still my thanks do go to the movie for bringing out a much more colourful version of my best friend which I hadn't experienced in years!Thankfully, my bah-humbug girl is still popping up - especially if you ask her what she thinks of the new Twilight movie. So there you go, I guess no movie is truly a failure when it can create a special effect on someone, somewhere! Happy New Year, ladies! :-)
Happy New Year to you too! Sorry for the late response, we're reorganizing and getting some things prepared for this new year :)
ReplyDeleteThat is something that occurs to us every so often, the amount of joy that can still be gleaned from some of the movies that end up on this site. Though, to that end, all these movies have affected us by inspiring such feelings of rage and incredulity, haha!